“Profound Wound” is directly inspired by the story of Mirtha Luz Perez Robledo. She is a mother whose daughter (Nadia Dominique Vera Perez) was murdered by criminals because she spoke out against corruption and was a political activist. This song is about the anguish and sorrow of a mother and the unhealed wound of her daughter’s violent murder.
This song reminds us that “old news” is still “new” for those closest to it. That for many, justice still has not been served. We are reminded what can happen to those who advocate relentlessly for justice. We are reminded of the risks we take spiritually, emotionally, and physically for love.
Make noise, be silenced Flame of my daughters’ ashes
Make form, to loss Futile ache of my mother’s heart
Make noise, be silenced Make noise, be brave Die for cruel truth revealed Live for eternity
Shout grief, held sacred Solidarity tastes bittersweet Defend memory, we suffer Ghosts marching in disquiet streets
Make noise, be silenced Make noise, be brave Die for cruel truth revealed Live for eternity
Country of crossfire, state of dishonor Land of injustice, truth to the slaughter (limp hearts, empty promises, full pockets)